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Decomposers: Earth's Clean-up Crew

Decomposers: Earth's Clean-up Crew

Nelson Cengage Learning Australia, © 2024

This 24-page, STEM-based literacy title is written in the form of an information report/procedure text type for students ages 8 to 10. Decomposers are tiny organisms with an important role in ecosystems. They recycle organic materials and help break them down into nutrient-rich soil. These organisms include earthworms, snails, slaters (pill bugs), springtails, nematodes, millipedes, and others. Each critter is distinctive. Slaters, for example, have armour-like plates on their bodies. At the end of the book, students can follow instructions to build their own mini compost heap to learn more about this fascinating process.

Secrets of Our Sporting Heroes

Secrets of Our Sporting Heroes