All in Eden Mills

Eden Mills Writers' Festival

I'm excited (and slightly terrified) to share some great news! I've been invited to speak at the Eden Mills Writers' Festival on September 16th, 2012. The festival runs from noon until 6:00 p.m. If you live in southwestern Ontario, you might want to add this date to your calendar. Treat yourself to a relaxing and inspiring day in a bucolic village.

Literary Musings

In the greater community, autumn is upon us and the air is a-buzz with literary novels, mysteries, and luscious picture books. September is a great time for book lovers. The city of Kingston is hosting its third annual Kingston WritersFest from September 22 to 25. Local bookstores are flogging stacks of books by festival authors. I picked up Helen HumphriesCoventry (2008) and Stephen Heighton’s Every Lost Country (2010). I can’t wait to dip into these books, which look amazing.